Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Simpson Confessional Desperation Ploy to Boost Failing Fox TV

Call it a "hail O.J. pass." According to the L.A. Times, the Fox Network's ratings are dead last among the major four networks and the Simpson kinda sorta, nudge nudge wink wink tell something but probably not all special was engineered to draw the eyeballs of Mr. and Mrs. Gapejaws across the firmament to Rupe-a-dupe's flagging concern.

But the kicker? Expect to see it on the net at some point.

You Republicans out there remember that it was the Gingrich Congress that gave Murdoch citizenship through special legislation so that he would not only not have to undergo the usual naturalization routine that the great majority of much more humble immigrants have to, but so that he could own U.S. television outlets knowing that he would turn those stations into conservative loudspeakers. So the L. Brent Bozells, James Dobsons and the other usual hosanna hut mountebanks have no complaint here. You voted for the clowns who made Fox possible. Helluva job there GOP base (and base it is)!

Of course, what makes Murdoch so frightening is that he has been taking over stations in Britain, most recently snatching off ITV, and has accumulated enormous power there as a result. It is to the point that he is treated like a head of state rather than the vile Philistine that he is.

The irony in all this, however, is that Bill Clinton's recent verbal disembowelment of the insipid Chris Wallace (the media's answer to George W. Bush, spoiled and much dumber than dad) has, harrumphed the rightwing Accuracy in Media, seen Rupee attempt to kiss up to the Big Dog.

When light loafered Fox News morning host Shepherd Smith ripped into Bush for his delaying the dispatch of more troops to Iraq after the election so as to not piss the electorate off more than they already were, it created a sensation among liberal bloggers and their readers, though they expressed fears that the news game's version of Clay Aiken would soon be shown the door or end up in a rendition to an unnamed European gulag. But he is still with Fox and hasn't been demoted to their minor league club, MSNBC, at least as of yet. It could be that Fox will merely lobotomize him like they did with Alan Colmes.

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