Saturday, June 14, 2008

The GOP Sex Scandals Never Seem to End; Ku Klux Love for the OC

This one involves an appeals court judge appointed by Ronald Reagan who has a fondness for porno and it has gotten in the way of an obscenity case that is before him. Ugly details.

Now imagine this scenario: you are at a party. You are too boozed up to drive home. You crash at your hosts's place in the top bunk of a bunk bed. Also in a similarly inebriated condition and sleeping in the lower bunk is the national chairman of the Young Republicans. Then you suddenly are awakened in the middle of the night by said GOP bigwig blowing you. Yes, you read that correctly. You got to check this out.

Sex offender was Republican volunteer. I know, Republican and sex offender are redundant terms.

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, whose marriage is breaking up because he was "polling" (heh heh) where he wasn't supposed to, may be employing a "wag the dog" strategy in calling for a special session. Here be the report. And this story ain't going to go away.

More fun in the Catholic Church.

And Louisiana's GOP Governor, Bobby Jindal, is even wackier than THAT. Will he be McCain's VP nominee?

And are Southern Baptists about to go the way of the dodo bird? It sure looks that way. Halelluah!

GOP religious freaks object to HIV/AIDS prevention funding even though bill has bipartisan support. No doubt about it, that party loves misery.

Did you know that ultra-conservative Orange County (California) came to be thanks to a couple members of the Ku Klux Klan? Wouldn't surprise you? Well, it's true baby! Here's the straight dope.

Conservative parents beam with pride as daughters deal with gay rights advocate.

Republicans in Florida rush to sign up felons as new voters...but so do Democrats. Assholes.

Bush on 24, but I don't mean the tv show. Looky here.

Why do Utahns continue to vote Republican when they can't do anything right?

Helluva job there Mukasey: Feds allow convicted hedge fund exec to escape. Global manhunt now underway.

McCain pisses off party faithful in Texas. Will probably be abandoned by black conservatives.

Republican run Ford continues to betray America.

Red states continue to betray kid's health. And insurance companies will make you sick.

Media treating Obama like somebody from another planet. Remember Pat Buchanan's "exotic" remark? He isn't alone in thinking that.

AT&T continues to be the evil telecom company.

This is your local news media.

The Orange County (California) Weekly decided to satirically tweak the conservative Orange County Register, former home of GOP Rep Dana Rohrabacher, in a sexual way. Laughs here.

McCain sex tape surfaces and hilarity ensues (satire).

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