Friday, June 20, 2008

Random Stuff

This clown sent a letter to the IRS daring them to do anything to him. That is the same thing Wesley Snipes did, though the nature of the challenge is rather different. Now the feds are determining which correctional center they will slot Snipes into.

Martha Stewart tried lying to the feds about some stock sales she made and she also was treated to a stay at the gray bar hotel. Now she can't enter Britain because of her conviction. That's freaking hilarious!

Obama raised $21.9 million in May. McCain? Not so much. Is he really going to accept public financing for his campaign? It could be that the problem is because McCain hasn't been able to make up his mind as to what to do about our energy crisis. In fact, the Gropenfuhrer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, just dissed McCain's rationale for coastal drilling. The rejection of public funding will not hurt Obama.

McCain may name Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (yeah, I know, who?) as his VP. But he isn't exactly going to energize the GOP base that is unhappy with the Republican top of the ticket.

Also, did McCain lie to either Hispanic leaders or Republican anti-immigration activists? Or both?

McCain can't finesse this number: 500 Californians dead in the Iraq War. Stay the course is not going to work there.

You might also be able to kiss another Republican blowhard off soon. Red Sox righthander Curt Schilling is going to have possible career ending shoulder surgery. Schilling was a major stud on the hill, but also a colossal asshole off of it. He once told Sports Illustrated that he hated it that pllayers were using steroids and then when a Congressional committee asked him about it, he ballessly demurred.

Some of you religious fucks are scary.

Republicans admit that new Orange County, CA sheriff is qualified for her job, but they are grousing about her selection anyway.

Firefox 3.0 tally to date: 14 million and counting.

You want something that will piss you off? You know that U.S. consumers are paying 3-4 times what the Japanese and the Koreans are for broadband access even though theirs is faster? That's what happens when you have a lack of competition ina given sector.

Pro Gay marriage folks in California are now pressing the courts there to head off a bigoted voter initiatve. I hope it succeeds.

Meanwhile, religious nuts refuse to do their taxpayer funded jobs when it comes to the same sex marriage issue.

Idiot of the day right here.

Also mentallly underpowered are those who got sucked into the "clean coal" hoax.

If you've ever seen the tv series Futurama, there was a joke in one of the episodes that went, "its some kind of hollow tube, devoid of human life. Gasp. The Los Angeles Subway." Well, that isn't true now with sky high gas prices. Check it out.

Two Republican sex predators (yes, their dad is connected to the party) just got out in the OC. So watch out for 'em.

I don't understand how you can use your employer's network and yet demand that they have to respect your privacy when you do. But a California court said that an employee has to give permission before your boss can see your correspondence on the job. This is absurd.

UCLA's hospital has been doing transplants on Japanese gangsters. I'm not kidding. This is fucking outrageous.

In the "It's About Time" file is this.

You may remember that Democratic congresswoman who had her home foreclosed recently. She was also in arrears of her property taxes. Now the state has taken the home away from the new buyer without compensation and given it back to her even though he had already begun renovating the place. Outrageous.

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