Friday, June 20, 2008

What Effect Will Newsweek Poll Have on GOP Campaign Finances?

A new Newsweek poll came out today giving Barack Obama a 15 point lead over John McCain. While it is way too early to lend that survey any actual gravity in terms of who might win in November, one wonders if it will tighten the wallets of Republican contributors further.

Or will it wake contributors up and make them get off the stick?

The GOP has only been able to raise half of its goal amount for the past quarter and with Scott McClellan's keeping the secretive and underhanded ways that the White House tried to subvert a national security operative in the headlines and other polls that see 80% of the populace believing that the country is headed inthe wrong direction as the economy slows down, this isn't the optimum atmosphere for fat cats to want to blow their cash on a losing horse.

John McCain has looked downright foolish at times and a recent tv ad starring John Cusack that equates Bush with McCain is devastating. Another ad by featuring a mother saying that McCain can't have her son for his 100 Years War, also hits home strongly.

And that is before you get to the lacerating London Times report linked in the post below blaming the Republican leadership for failing in the war on terrorism. McCain has stated that he thinks things are going just ducky in Iraq and Afghanistan (where U.S. troops fended off a Taliban attack on Khandahar yesterday), another instance of just sheer delusion.

Obama has hit the ground running while McCain has had feet of clay. With Obama tied in Georgia (!!!) with McCain thanks to Bob Barr running on the Libertarian ticket and siphoning off votes from the GOP, even longtime wacko representative Dana Rohrabacher could very well lose his seat of 20 years to a Democrat mayor in reliably conservative and wealthy Huntington Beach, California,, the adversity only piles up for McCain.

The irony here in that latter instance is rich. Huntington Beach is a former oil boomtown (and there are still oil wells pumping away on Pacific Coast Highway) and Cook herself is bascially an oil industry whore. With the oil lobby (Bush and Cheney, etc) running the country, Rohrabacher may get a dose of his own medicine.

And oil further hurts Republicans in Florida, where the coastal drilling issue has resulted in charges of hypocrisy against Governor Charlie "Secret Gay" Crist. Obama is now destroying McCain in that nettlesome state for Democrats.

Then McCain decides to charge Obama with the words "cowboy diplomacy," something that rebounds back on to himself because it reminds people of Bush's mishandling of foreign policy that McCain supported and obscures what McCain is actualy attempting to get across, that Obama may be a protectionist. Another sign that McCain entered the Naval Academy as a legacy admit (which is true) and not on merit. Just like Bush and Yale.

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