Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ford Readying One Last Pratfall

It really is sad that Peter Boyle died recently. Anyone who remembers his performance in the hilarious Young Frankenstein would realize that he would have been perfect to play another stiff, Gerald Ford, who stumbled into the presidency and never ceased tripping up until Jimmy Carter elbowed him out in 1976. Now it appears that Ford is about to be sent packing again, this time in an expensive wooden box amid way too much fanfare.

Yeah, "Mayaguez Gerry" gave us lots of laughs, whether it was lining balls into the backs of the heads of golf partners or deciding that the answer for the inflation problem was printing up buttons that urged, "whip inflation now," he was one of a kind. The sad thing is that Prez Turbo makes him look like freakin' George Washington. But I digress.

Longtime has been Chevy Chase, a pompous ass who had one of the worst talk shows of all time (maybe only Magic Johnson's was more pitiful), has Ford to thank for his career, such as it was. Too bad they can't throw Chase into the same casket with Gerry so that you could see off two no talents for the price of one.

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