Saturday, December 16, 2006

Random Thoughts

With the Iraq war going about as well as a French defensive maneuver, there were some wiseasses who remarked that it would be better just to put deposed dictator Saddam Hussein back into power. That ain't gonna happen, but here is the next best thing, I guess. It will be interesting to see how this one blows up in Turbo's face.

And while that bit of less than satisfying news is out, here is an indication that John "The Escalator" McCain is going to risk losing Afghanistan, where the actual 9/11 terrorists hid out, so that he can send 30,000 more troops to get bogged down in Operation Qwagmire. Osama Bin Laden must think that McCain is Bush's comedy writer or something because I'm sure he had a good chuckle over that one.

Not that funny, though, is that Bush, in what should probably be called Operation Save My Legacy, may decide to join McCain in suggesting more troops be dropped into Iraq. Talk about sociopathically selfish.

However, the rats are really deserting him as his poll numbers make mole-like and dig deeper holes.

The irony for me is that incoming Speaker of the House Nancy, "I need a visit from the clue patrol at committee nomination time" Pelosi is going to create a new intelligence oversight committee. Hmmm....Bush? Intelligence? Talk about no there there. Is it grounds for impeachment if they find no intelligence at Camp Clusterfuck? Or is it just for seeing that the non-existent intelligence is deployed where it can least hurt the republic?

Surely another sign of deficient intelligence is that we are now going to help motherfucking commie China with its nuclear reactor program. Chris Cox has his fingerprints on this somewhere. He has been the biggest Chinese collaborator since we tried to prop up the heinous Chang "Peanut" Kai-shek after WWII. The last super computer sale to that country was under Cox' auspices.

In Japan, being in the Jieitai, or Self Defence Force, is imbued with the coolness level that is associated in the U.S. with losers who spend their time playing Dungeons and Dragons. But now that the education system is about to get more outwardly patriotic, it will be interesting to see if that changes. It is hard to believe, though, that Japan will create a military establishment large enough to project any power because it is better economically to allow the U.S. to do it for them. That is not to mention that both China and the Koreas will shit their collective pants and thereby heighten diplomatic tensions in Asia.

Call the Tim Johnson situation "a stroke of ghoulishness."

Show of hands time: did any of you care about how long it took the state of Florida to dispatch a death row inmate this past week? Me neither.

And may Castro be in agony as he makes his way to that eternal farm.

Not scheduled for a trip to the boneyard but maybe just to get boned is Judith Regan, jet setting slut (well, maybe not, but one gets that impression from her appearances on Howard Stern's show) and O.J. Simpson ("murderers are the new black and he's even black," she must have thought) stenographer. She was told to take a hike by Rupert Murdoch, the Chinese Polituburo piss boy, and his Harper Collins outfit for, get this, embarrassing the company that pinched off the rightwing propaganda mill Faux Nooz. Maybe the Chinese didn't like her.

Your hydrochloric herald has about as much use for a record executive as he would a collection of Wayne Newton's best bowel movements, but an exception to that is Atlantic Records honcho Ahmet Ertegun, who passed away at 83 after, now check this out, falling off the stage at a Rolling Stones show. Yes, it was only rock and roll but he liked it.

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