Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Conason: Bush Missed the Point, as Usual

How come Bush's remark about the lesson learned in Vietnam was to keep the war going until victory that was uttered in that country didn't catch much attention from the press? Imagine the posturing by the wingnuts if Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the states and propounded that Japan should have held out longer even after the atomic bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, before ending WWII! The outrage by the usual media suspects would be so hot you could make yourself a grilled cheese sandwich on the top of your tv set.

I don't know if the great Joe Conason was disgusted or amused, but he used the hammer of truth to once again chronicle the mischief of our popular with 31% of the population (you guys gotta quit chasing that moonshine with OxyContin) clown in chief.

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